Retirement and financial planning

So you want to retire.
We see you, and we’re here to help. Corner Post Financial Planning works with clients for whom “voluntary unemployment” (a.k.a. retirement) is on the horizon.
Most of our clients come to us in their late 40s to early 50s, when age 65 all of a sudden doesn’t seem so far away.
Yes, we take clients outside this age range, both older and younger. But around the age of 50 is when retirement starts to loom large.
The kids are out of the house (or close). You’re probably far along the path of paying off your home, and your lifestyle preferences and habits are well established.
You may be at work wondering how long you’ll be able to “keep going.”
You may not hate your job. It’s that future health or care-giving worries hum in the back of your mind.
Many of our clients want to see more of the world and/or their families than a few weeks of vacation allows.
Perhaps you’ve done some things right, like contributing to your retirement plans faithfully. Maybe you have a solid budget and are on top of your spending.
But you need a plan in place to help ensure your investments match up with your goals.
Common questions we address include:
- Am I saving enough?
- Should I get more conservative with my investments?
- Can you help me understand my investment options?
- Will I ever be able to retire?
We provide our clients with straight talk about their options and recommend strategies to help you continue progress toward your goals
For clients who have already transitioned into retirement, we monitor your income, investment, and withdrawal strategies to ensure that you don’t veer dangerously off course.
If you’re wondering if you’re on track for retirement, please schedule an Introductory Call with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional.
With every call, we aim to provide you with lasting value, and we'll each have a chance to see if working together on an ongoing basis might be a good fit.